Yes! I am back from my 11days Backpacking Honeymoon from JAPAN.. I am exhausted but totally enjoyed myself there. It was a really good experience, especially to go with Hubby. I am totally clueless with MAPS and he is a genius with it. But of course there were arguements here and there during the trips mainly over what to buy... I am always asking for more... hehe..
Everything there is sooo nice and is really hard for me to choose... I think only for those out there who had been there can understand my feeling. We did a lot and is A LOT of walking during these 10 days to really nice shrines, temples, parks and palaces, and not forgetting Disneland and FujiQ Themepark. I totally *hearts* Mt Fuji, maybe because our pace there was the slowest and we get to enjoy hot baths and breathtaking sceneries...
Anyways, I got what i want and is happy and contented.. Thanks Lao Gong for tolerating me throughout the trip and for the wallet..
In total we spend $2700 per person without buying the JR Pass which we have contemplated for a long time whether to buy or not. Apparently it is possible to do without one. Just that a lot of planning is required. Now I am starting to save again for a probable trip in March with my galfrens.. =p
Oh well.. back to square one now.. what should I bake next? I have yet picked up my pace in training for runs... and is really lethargic to do so. I still have my new house reno to take care of.... and the list for that will go on and on and on...
How to start???!!!
Here are some pics for all to see so I can stop whining.. Enjoy~ =)
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