Well... I will be busy busy and Missing In Action for this whole week for several things. The flea market on Saturday, bouquet making on Sunday morning, attending the wedding recept of Y and J on Sunday evening... Luckily is a long weekend and probably I will get sometime on Monday to really get to make some cupcakes which I have been researching on for the pass week.. I even bought a book on it. =)
In the meantime, here is the recipe for the Éclair which I have done previously. Of which Coraine has requested.. here you go ..Happy trying gal.. will spy on your blog to see .. hahaha..
Hope to update all of you soon! =)
Choux Pastry Recipe:
56g Unsalted Butter
125g water
106g eggs
70g bread flour
(This is the key to the puffiness.. read somewhere that due to high protein in bread flour, puffs can hold the puffiness better and not deflat easily =))5g sugar
1g salt
1. Place butter, water, sugar and salt into a saucepan and bring to a boil on medium heat, stirring until dissolved.
2. Add in bread flour all at once and stir constantly until the dough is thick and smooth, and comes away from the sides of the pan easily.
3. Remove from heat, and tip dough into a large bowl. Using a hand-held electric beater, whisk dough to release the steam. Stop when the dough is still warm.
4. Add beaten eggs slowly and continue whisking on low speed until smooth. To test for right consistency, put a little dough between your thumb and forefinger. Pull your fingers apart: the dough should stretch and not break apart.
5. Pipe dough mixture into 1-inch buttons ( for Éclair pipe dough into 1-inch thick strips) on a baking tray. Bake for about 30 minutes on a preheated oven at 200 deg C.
6. When done, prick holes with icing tip on the mini puffs to pipe in the whipped cream or pastry cream. For Éclair, slice an opening across the length, pipe accordingly.
7. Dip the Éclair into the ganache mixture. Refridgerate at least 4 hours for the ganache coat to harden before serve. (Sieve some icing sugar on the Éclair for deco...Enjoy~)
Chocolate Ganache Recipe:50g Thicken Cream (I use Bulla Brand)
50g Dark Chocolate Coverture
1. Heat cream to boil.
2. Remove from stove and add in the chocolate covertures all at once. Mix well and set aside.