Monday, July 27, 2009


Finally... I am able to upload my pics and type my blog nicely for all of you out there..
It was a bread week for me...I love bread and rice very much! Therefore, how could I miss out these 2 favourites from my blog?!!! I have been trying to make bread ever since I read Coraine's blog, but ended up throwing a lot of doughs away.. *sadz* Recently , all thanks to dear coraine's detail explaination on how to get the correct texture, I finally got it right! And to make me more proud, I did my kneading by hand, as I could not locate my mum's bread hook attachment for the mixing machine.. (of which i found at the end of the day... dame..)Anywayz, I was really happy and found it more fulfilling to do it manually..

I got the recipe from Baking Mum, really nice.. is a must try for all! Here is the link to it:

Got home and found a notice mailed to the residents of LP, there will be a Charity Sales held at the multi-purpose hall this 23rd Aug. And I have decided to work on my bread to sell on that day. Have my MIL to submit the form.. Yeah!! I will be selling Hotdog Buns with a variation of big and small ones.. hope anyone of you who is reading can come support.. ok? For charity and also see if my bread can make it or not.. hiak hiak...

Anyone of you who wants to know more information of the charity flea market do leave your contact and I will contact you personally..

Now, I have to plan for the big day and will be doing bread again for the coming weekend, so bear with me ok? Probably I will post more pics..

Another project on hand would be to come out with a green tea layer cake for 2 special person who will be having their birthday soon.. anyone?any suggestions? I am still hunting desperately for a good recipe.. not too sweet and not too hard to do.. how???
Oh well.. will continue to google.. and will update all later on this as well.. till then..

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